Friday 3 October 2014

Daniel Jones delivers ballet workshop

Friday 26 September saw Daniel Jones, formerly of the English National Ballet, come into the College to deliver a ballet workshop to Performing Arts students.

Daniel who has starred in many ballets over his career such as the Nutcracker and Swan Lake, retired in January this year, after spending twenty two years with the company.

He worked with the students over the course of the workshop, providing demonstrations, teaching them various ballet techniques and having them perform them back.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the session with Daniel and the College hopes to have him back in future.

For more information about our brand new Performing Arts Centre or courses visit

Logo Competition

Newcastle-under-Lyme College's Performing Arts Centre has launched a competition set to Graphics and Interactive Media students. The competition is to design and create a brand new Performing Arts logo which is to be used on all kinds of publicity for the centre.
The brief requires students to create a logo that is both cross platform friendly, eye catching and reflects both music and performing arts.
The winner will receive a prize of £100 for their winning design and will be announced in the coming weeks.
For more information about the Performing Arts Centre, including course listings, visit our information page

Trentham pupils enjoy dance workshop

On Thursday 25th September Newcastle-under-Lyme College’s (NULC) Performing Arts Centre Manager, Tina McDonald, visited a group of Year 9 & 10 drama pupils at Trentham High School. Tina brought along NULC Performing Arts student Sian Jones to run a dance workshop with the pupils.
Sian, who is an ex-Trentham High School student, helped to teach the pupils a Jazz dance routine to a track from the fantastic Broadway show Chicago.
All of the pupils enjoyed showcasing their dance moves and also finding out new and exciting information about NULC’s brand new Performing Arts Centre, which will open in January 2015.

To find out more about the Performing Arts Centre and courses, please click on this link

If you would like Tina to run a workshop in your school, please contact the Schools Liaison Team on 01782 254347 or email